SCALE & MEASUREMENT Measurement and Scale in Research Methodology. Measurement is the process of describing some property of a phenomenon under study and assigning a numerical value to it. Measurement is considered as the foundation of scientific inquiry. In our...
Financial Ratio Earnings Per Share Ratio (EPS) and P/E Ratio (Price to Earning) are considered as two important ratios that should consider by every investor. Financial ratios are considered as the best-standardized tool to access and compare the relative strength and...
Parameter Vs Statistic Parameter and Statistic are two principal determines that help us to define the sample size for survey research. Both are very closely related. It is essential to understand the difference between these two terms. In the...
Cronbachs Alpha Cronbachs alpha is one of the most widely used measures of reliability or survey data in the social and organizational sciences. When we need to test the internal consistency (reliability) of multiple Likert questions in a survey (scale), It is...
Ranking Scale Ranking scale questions are an essential tool in surveys questionnaires. In surveys, we need to establish some type of priorities among a set of subjects (Priority on policies, attributes, interest, organizations, individuals, etc.). For capturing this...